Book traversal links for Article (15) – Credit Life Products
Article (15) – Credit Life Products
IA-BOD-RES 49/2019 Effective from 9/10/2019For Credit Life Products sold through banks, or through Distribution Channels, the following rules shall apply:
- The requirements for disclosures in Articles (8) to (13) of these Instructions shall not apply to Credit Life Products.
- This Article is not applicable to the renewal Commissions for an existing block of in-force Credit Life Products only if the premium rates throughout the policy term have been guaranteed to the client. If the Company reserved the right to change premium rates, then this Article shall be applicable for an existing block of in-force business.
- Long-Term Single Premium Credit Life Products sold by a Distribution Channel shall be excluded from this Article and shall be covered under Articles (3) to (14).
- Quoting net of Commissions rates is not allowed. The Distribution Channel must quote the full rates provided by the Company and get the Commissions back from the Company in return. The Distribution Channel is not allowed to adjust the Commissions or the premium rate.
- The Company needs to obtain a separate confirmation from the client that premiums for Credit Life Products are being charged and paid by the client. It cannot be combined with or part of the overall documents provided by the Distribution Channel to the client for a loan or other transaction. The policy documents, brochures, benefits, charges, etc. must be provided to the clients.
- A Distribution Channel can have an exclusive arrangement with one Company. In case the client wishes to deal with another Company, this shall be considered, according to the type of license granted to the Distribution Channel.
- Any amount refunded based on the performance of the portfolio, such as profit commission, takaful surplus, re-takaful surplus, etc., if applicable, should be provided back to the takaful Participants’ Fund and not to be paid to the Distribution Channel as an incentive. It is the responsibility of the Company to ensure that the amount has then been transferred to the clients and not to be cross subsidized with other lines of business.
- The Company is allowed to pay Initial Access Fees to Distribution Channels. However, the Initial Access Fees must be borne entirely by the Company and may not be charged to the clients by any means whatsoever. Whenever any Initial Access Fees have been paid to a Distribution Channel, the Company is required to offset Commissions against the Initial Access Fees until they have been fully repaid.