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Article (21)

IA-BOD-RES 10/2019

Financial Institutions and DNFBPs shall appoint a compliance officer. The compliance officer shall have the appropriate competencies and experience and under his or her own responsibility, shall perform the following tasks:

  1. Detect Transactions relating to any Crime.
  2. Review, scrutinise and study records, receive data concerning Suspicious Transactions, and take decisions to either notify the FIU or maintain the Transaction with the reasons for maintaining while maintaining complete confidentiality.
  3. Review the internal rules and procedures relating to combating the Crime and their consistency with the Decretal-Law and the present Decision, assess the extent to which the institution is committed to the application of these rules and procedures, propose what is needed to update and develop these rules and procedures, prepare and submit semi-annual reports on these points to senior management, and send a copy of that report to the relevant Supervisory Authority enclosed with senior management remarks and decisions.
  4. Prepare, execute and document ongoing training and development programs and plans for the institution’s employees on Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organisations, and the means to combat them.
  5. Collaborate with the Supervisory Authority and FIU, provide them with all requested data, and allow their authorised employees to view the necessary records and documents that will allow them to perform their duties.