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3.1. Customer Identification and Verification

Under Article 8 of the AML-CFT Decision, LFIs are required to identify each customer and verify the customer’s identity using documents, data, or any other identification information from a reliable and independent source. This requirement is technology neutral and expressly permits LFIs to use documentary as well as non-documentary sources (i.e., information or data) when performing identification and verification; it does not impose any restrictions on the form—physical or digital—that identity evidence must take, nor does it impose limitations as to the use of digital ID systems for the purpose of linking a customer’s verified identity to a unique, real-life individual, provided this is done using a “reliable” and “independent” source. As such, LFIs are permitted to utilize digital ID systems as well as physical forms to perform customer identification and verification, consistent with the expectations set forth in this Guidance.

In the digital ID context, the requirement that digital source documents, data, or information must be “reliable” and “independent” means that the digital ID system used to conduct CDD relies upon technology, adequate governance, processes, and procedures that provide an appropriate level of confidence that the system produces accurate results. Reliability and independence in this sense depends specifically on the effective application of mitigation measures to prevent and manage risks related to identity proofing and enrollment, such as the risks of an applicant using falsified identity evidence or another individual’s identity, as well as risks related to authentication and identity lifecycle management, including various risks that bad actors will illicitly obtain an individual’s legitimate identity credentials and assert them to open an account or obtain unauthorized access to products, services, and data. These risks and the corresponding mitigating measures that LFIs should consider implementing are discussed in greater detail in section 4 below.