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8.6 Final Report Dissemination

Effective from 3/4/2025

The SCF should conduct the following procedures regarding the Final Report Dissemination:

a.Circulating the final report to the relevant parties within five (5) working days after being approved by the ISSC.
b.All findings of the report should be incorporated in the tracker for progress status monitoring (“Status Tracker”).
c.Each party responsible for an action plan may confirm to SCF within the agreed timeline, or periodically if needed, that all the actions specified in the Final Report have been addressed, and substantiate such confirmation with adequate evidence for each finding.
d.If any action from the Final Report is not closed/addressed within the timeline, the party responsible for the action plan should provide reasoning and evidences for not closing/addressing the issue, and its target completion date.
e.The progress update on addressing the findings and implementing recommendations should be monitored.