All products should be reviewed by the SCF at least once every three (3) years.
All branches or distribution channels should be reviewed by the SC at least once every two (2) years.
All new products should be reviewed within the first 3 months from the date when the product was launched.
Products that have not been reviewed in the past are prioritized over those that have been reviewed.
Historical Incidents
Products based on underlying contracts or concepts similar to those in which systemic or major incidents were identified in the past are prioritized over those in which no such incidents were identified.
Distribution channels in which systemic or major incidents were identified in the past are prioritized over those in which no such incidents were identified.
Level of Complexity of the Products
Products with higher level of complexity that negatively impact SNC risk are given priority over other products.
Book traversal links for Appendix (A): An Example in Prioritization Parameters for Selection of Subjects in the Annual Plan