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Article (40) Bank for the Government

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) For the purposes of achieving objectives of its monetary policy, and in order to provide for the Government and governments of emirates members of the Union with their needs for national Currency and/or foreign currencies, the Central Bank shall buy or sell foreign currencies to the concerned government, at prevailing exchange rates.

2) The Central Bank shall conduct banking operations and services for the Government, whether in the State or in other jurisdictions, against fees. The Central Bank may also perform banking operations and services for governments of member emirates of the Union, against fees.

3) The Government and governments of emirates members of the Union, shall open accounts in national Currency and foreign currencies with the Central Bank, and conduct transfers through such accounts.

4) Government funds in national Currency or foreign currencies shall be deposited with the Central Bank, and the latter shall pay or charge interest thereon in view of the prevailing market rates. Governments of emirates members of the Union may also deposit funds in national Currency or foreign currencies with the Central Bank, on which the latter shall pay or charge interest thereon in view of the prevailing market rates.

5) Public Sector entities, other than the Government, and governments of emirates members of the Union, may deposit their funds in national Currency or foreign currencies with the Central Bank. The Central Bank shall pay or charge interest thereon as determined by the Central Bank.

6) The Central Bank may grant advances or other credit facilities to the Government, at interest rates set in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement signed between the Central Bank and the Ministry in this regard, provided such advances and credit facilities are for the purpose of covering a temporary, unforeseen deficit in Government revenues, compared to its expenses. The Government may not relend or grant such advances to any other party. Granted advances shall at no time exceed ten percent (10%) of the government’s average revenues realized in the budgets of the last three (3) years. The Government shall repay these advances within a period not exceeding one (1) year from date of granting thereof. In case advances were not repaid at the specified date, the outstanding balance should be subject to an interest charge, as specified in the agreement signed between the Central Bank and the Ministry.

7) The Central Bank may subscribe to securities and debt instruments issued by the Government for maturities exceeding one (1) year, only in cases designated by the Board of Directors. The Government shall repay the amounts due, including interest, on maturity dates. In case of late or early payment an interest charge shall be imposed, as specified in the debt agreement.