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2.4 Governance and Training

Effective from 15/8/2021

The specific preventive measures mentioned above must take place within, and be supported by, a comprehensive institutional AML/CFT program that is appropriate to the risks the LFI faces. The core of an effective risk-based program is an appropriately experienced AML/CFT compliance officer who understands the LFI's risks and obligations and who has the resources and autonomy necessary to ensure that the LFI's program is effective. As with all risks to which the LFI is exposed, the AML/CFT training program must ensure that employees are aware of the risks of hawala provider customers, familiar with the obligations of the LFI, and equipped to apply appropriate risk-based controls. Training should be tailored and customized to the LFI's risk and the nature of its operations. For example, an LFI that has a large number of hawala provider customers should offer training that includes an in-depth discussion of risk factors and red flags related to such customers.