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Annex III: Information to be Reported by Card Schemes in English and Arabic

C 15/2021 Effective from 6/6/2021

I. ATM data:

Field NameMax SizeTypeField Details
Primary Account Number (PAN)16-19NumericPAN is a series of digits used to identify a Retail Payment Service User account or relationship
Transaction Code2NumericTransaction Code - 31 (Balance Enquiry), 01 (Cash Withdrawal).
Transaction Amount12NumericTransaction amount gives the value of the funds requested by the cardholder in the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction.
Transaction Currency Code3Alphabet (or) NumericIdentifies the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. See ISO 4217.
Transmission Date and Time10NumericMM/DD/hh/mm/ss format
The date used is the current calendar day in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) that the transaction occurred (not Business Day)
Systems Trace Audit Number6NumericContains a number assigned by the transaction acquirer to identify uniquely a transaction. The trace number remains unchanged for all messages throughout the life of the transaction.
Merchant’s Type4NumericContains the classification of the merchant's type (ATM/web/etc) of business product or service.
Acquiring Institution Country Code3NumericContains the code of the country where the acquiring institution is located (see ISO 3166)
Point of Service Entry Mode3NumericContains two numeric to indicate the method by which the primary account number was entered into the system and one numeric to indicate the PIN entry capabilities.
Acquiring Institution Identification Component11NumericContains a code identifying the acquiring institution (e.g. merchant bank) or its agent.
Card Acceptor Name/Location40Alpha Numeric Special CharContains the name and location of the card acceptor (i.e. the merchant or ATM).
Card Acceptor Terminal Identification15Alpha Numeric Special CharContains a unique code identifying a terminal at the card acceptor location.
Authorization Identification Response6Alpha NumericContains the response identification assigned by the authorizing institution.
This field is often referred to as "auth-code".
Response Code2Alpha NumericContains a code, which defines the disposition of a message.


II. PoS data:

Field NameMax SizeTypeField Details
Primary Account Number (PAN)16-19NumericPAN is a series of digits used to identify a Retail Payment Service User account or relationship
Transaction Code2NumericTransaction Code - 00 (Purchase/Sale), 20 (Refund), 31 (Balance Enquiry).
Transaction Amount12NumericAmount of funds requested by the cardholder.
Transaction Currency Code3NumericCode that indicates the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. This defines the currency that applies to the transaction amount.
Transmission Date and Time10NumericMMDDhhmmss format
Generated and sent by the message initiator. It is expressed in GMT.
Systems Trace Audit Number6NumericUnique identifier assigned to the transaction by the message sender. It remains unchanged for all messages within a transaction between the two parties. This is used to provide an audit trail for every message sent by the acquirer for a given business date.
Merchant Category Code4NumericContains the classification of the merchant's type of business product or service.
Acquiring Institution Country Code3NumericContains the code of the country where the acquiring institution is located (see ISO 3166)
Point of Service Entry Mode3NumericContains two numeric to indicate the method by which the primary account number was entered into the system and one numeric to indicate the PIN entry capabilities.
POS Condition Code2NumericContains an identification of the condition under which the transaction takes place at the point of service.
00 - Normal Presentment
59 - eCommerce
Authorization Identification Response6Alpha NumericContains the response identification assigned by the authorizing institution.
This field is often referred to as "auth-code".
Card Acceptor Terminal ID16Alpha Numeric Special CharUnique code identifying the terminals at the acquirer location
Card Acceptor Identification Code15Alpha Numeric Special CharUnique code identifying the card acceptor
Card Acceptor Name and Location40Alpha Numeric Special CharUsed to hold the name and location of the card acceptor as known to the cardholder.
Response Code2Alpha NumericContains a code, which defines the disposition of a message.


III. Fraud data:

Field NameMax SizeTypeField Details
Primary Account Number (PAN)16-19NumericPAN is a series of digits used to identify a Retail Payment Service User account or relationship
Transaction Code2NumericTransaction Code - 00 (Purchase/Sale), 20 (Refund), 31 (Balance Enquiry).
Transaction Amount12NumericAmount of funds requested by the cardholder.
Transaction Currency Code3NumericCode that indicates the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. This defines the currency that applies to the transaction amount.
Transmission Date and Time10NumericMMDDhhmmss format
Generated and sent by the message initiator. It is expressed in GMT.
Systems Trace Audit Number6NumericUnique identifier assigned to the transaction by the message sender. It remains unchanged for all messages within a transaction between the two parties. This is used to provide an audit trail for every message sent by the acquirer for a given business date.
Merchant Category Code4NumericContains the classification of the merchant's type of business product or service.
Acquiring Institution Country Code3NumericContains the code of the country where the acquiring institution is located (see ISO 3166)
Point of Service Entry Mode3NumericContains two numeric to indicate the method by which the primary account number was entered into the system and one numeric to indicate the PIN entry capabilities.
POS Condition Code2NumericContains an identification of the condition under which the transaction takes place at the point of service.
00 - Normal Presentment
59 - eCommerce
Authorization Identification Response6Alpha NumericContains the response identification assigned by the authorizing institution.
This field is often referred to as "auth-code".
Card Acceptor Terminal ID16Alpha Numeric Special CharUnique code identifying the terminals at the acquirer location
Card Acceptor Identification Code15Alpha Numeric Special CharUnique code identifying the card acceptor
Card Acceptor Name and Location40Alpha Numeric Special CharUsed to hold the name and location of the card acceptor as known to the cardholder.
Response Code2Alpha NumericContains a code, which defines the disposition of a message.