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Article (1) – General Requirements for Investments

IA-BOD-RES 26/2014 Effective from 28/12/2014

The Company shall apply the following rules in investments operations:

  1. The Company must ensure that the assets are diversified and adequately spread and allow the Company to respond adequately to changing economic circumstances. In particular for developments in the financial and real estate markets or major catastrophic events; the Company must assess the impact of irregular market circumstances on its assets and must diversify the assets in such a way as to reduce such impact.
  2. Investments in products or instruments issued by the same issuer or by issuers belonging to the same group must not expose the Company to excessive risk concentrations. Limits defined for asset class and counterparty are defined in Article (3) and should be adhered to.
  3. An active Investment Committee should be in place to ensure there is adequate segregation of duties between execution, recording, authorization, reconciliation and related assurance.
  4. For the purpose of matching of Assets and Liabilities subject to paragraph (6) of this Article, the assets held by a Company to cover its technical provisions and all other long-term insurance liabilities must:

    a) Have characteristics of safety, yield and marketability which are appropriate to the type of business carried on by the Company; and

    b) Be diversified and adequately spread.
  5. The assets referred to in paragraph (4) must be of a sufficient amount, and of an appropriate currency and maturity, to ensure that the cash inflows from those assets will meet the expected cash outflows from the Company's Takaful liabilities as they become due.
  6. For the purpose of paragraph (4), a Company must take into consideration any options which exist in the Company's Takaful contracts when determining expected cash outflows.
  7. For the purpose of these regulations, paragraph (4) does not apply to assets held to cover unit-linked liabilities, except where the respective long-term insurance contract in question includes a guarantee of investment performance or some other guaranteed benefits, paragraph (4) will nevertheless apply to assets held to cover that guaranteed element.
  8. Further guidance for investments in Addendum (1) of the regulations herein shall be applied.