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Article (1) - General Requirements for Records

IA-BOD-RES 25/2014 Effective from 28/12/2014
  1. The Company must maintain complete transaction records for all local and international operations for as long as they are deemed relevant for the purposes for which they were made. Records of completed transactions may be retained in either hard copy and/or electronic format, but must be kept in their original form. Completed transaction records for business booked in the UAE must be maintained in the UAE and be easily accessible to the Authority.
  2. Any Company that is licensed for both Insurance of Persons & Fund Accumulation operations and Property and Liability insurance operations, must maintain separate records in respect of both types of insurance operations. The transactions relating to each kind of business must be maintained separately. The Company must maintain such accounting and other records as necessary to identify all assets and liabilities in respect of each kind of business.
  3. The Company shall maintain backup for all records. The backup shall be maintained in a separate location from the original records.
  4. Regardless of any information mentioned in other regulations, the electronic information or information generated from the computer system, fax and e-mail are considered adequate and valid if the authoritative controls were adhered to.