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Article (3) - Types of Records

IA-BOD-RES 25/2014 Effective from 28/12/2014
  1. The Company must maintain adequate records for all lines of business and shall include:
    1. Underwriting, Policy Issuance and Policy Servicing records;
    2. Claim transaction records;
    3. Complaints records;
    4. Technical Provisions records;
    5. Financial Solvency records;
    6. Product related records;
    7. Reinsurance contracts and related records;
    8. Investment records;
    9. Records of Company's transactions with its subsidiaries and affiliates;
    10. Records for the policyholders' funds under management;
    11. Records for shareholders funds;
    12. Major agreements of the Company;
    13. Policies and Procedures for all the processes within the Company including Risk Management Policy and Procedures;
    14. Records of actuarial reports;
    15. Records for professionals related to insurance; and
    16. Any other records that the Authority may require.
  2. Further guidance on types of records in Addendum (1) of the regulations herein shall be applied.