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Article (10): Reporting and Record Keeping

C 4/2024 STA Effective from 31/10/2024
A Licensee must keep detailed records of the following, where applicable, in relation to the conduct of the Fit and Proper Process for all applicable Persons and submit, where required or provide access to the Central Bank immediately upon request:
a.Prescribed forms and all supporting documents as stipulated in the Standards;
b.Sources of all information, verifications and authentications;
c.Character, professional and regulatory references and evidence of criminal and other checks conducted;
d.Any information that may affect the Central Bank’s review of the application and or decision to issue Authorisation for the Person;
e.The reports and decisions resulting from the Fit and Proper Process including clear rationale for all decisions; and
f.The reports and all related records from assessments conducted by any third party.
Licensees must, at least on an annual basis, provide a report to the Central Bank with information on the following:
a.Vacant Designated Functions; and
b.CPD undertaken by Persons, where required.
10.3The Central Bank will prescribe any additional information required to be submitted and/or to be presented in the Licensee’s annual report.