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Article (13)

Effective from 14/5/2019

The work Plan that must be submitted for the approval of the incorporation of the reinsurance company shall include the following:

1. Types and classes of reinsurance that the company will focus on at the commencement of its incorporation.

2. Geographical distribution of the accepted businesses locally, regionally and internationally.

3. Direct acceptance policy or through reinsurance brokers.

4. The Company's retention limits of risks in each class of reinsurance.

5 - Reinsurance covers that will be arranged by the company to protect its liabilities and covers for accumulation and catastrophes.

6. Names and addresses of the retrocessionaires who will be dealing with the company and their rating.

7. The Financial Principals of the reinsurance that will be applied by the company.

8. Report on the financial position of the Company, the adequacy of the general and technical reserves to be taken, and the rules of the Company's accounting system.

9 - The investment policy that will be adopted by the company.

10. Details of the company's organization structure.

11. The Future approaches for the development of the company's business qualitatively and geographically.