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Article (26) Confidential Information

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) Any member of the Board of Directors, any member of the committees formed by the Board of Directors, any employees or representatives of the Central Bank; any experts, technical personnel, or academics the Central Bank deals with, shall not disclose any information that is confidential, unless such disclosure is consistent with the provisions of item (3) of this article. This prohibition shall remain effective even after the expiry of membership or termination of the service or the function.

2) Confidential information shall include all information received by any of the Persons referred to in item (1) of this article, by virtue of their positions, or in the course of discharging their functions, as long as such information were not made available to the public through official or legal means.

3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article (28) of this decretal law, confidential information may be disclosed where such disclosure is permitted, legally enforced, or addressed to authorities and agencies within the State or in other jurisdictions