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Article (27)

IA-BOD-RES 10/2019
  1. Financial institutions shall ensure that all international wire transfers equal to or exceeding AED (3,500) are always accompanied by the following data:
    1. The name of the originator, his or her identity number or travel document, date and place of birth, address and account number. In the absence of an account, the transfer must include a unique transaction reference number which allows the process to be tracked.
    2. The name of the beneficiary and his account number used to make the transfers. In the absence of the account, the transfer must include a unique transaction reference number which allows the process to be tracked.
  2. In the event that several individual cross-border wire transfers from a single originator are bundled in a batch file for transmission to beneficiaries, the batch file shall contain required and accurate originator information, and full beneficiary information, that is fully traceable within the beneficiary country; and the financial institution shall be required to include the originator’s account number or unique transaction reference number.
  3. Financial institutions shall ensure that all cross-border wire transfers less than AED 3,500 are always accompanied by the data in Clause (1) of this Article, without the need to verify the accuracy of the data referred to, unless there are suspicions about committing the Crime.
  4. For domestic wire transfers, the ordering financial institution shall ensure that the information accompanying the wire transfer includes originator information as indicated in Clause (1) of this Article, unless this information can be made available to the beneficiary financial institution and competent authorities by other means.
  5. Where the information accompanying the domestic wire transfer can be made available to the beneficiary financial institution and competent authorities by other means, the ordering financial institution shall be only required to include the account number or a unique transaction reference number, provided that this number or identifier will permit the transaction to be traced back to the originator or the beneficiary. The ordering financial institution shall make the information available within three business days of receiving the request either from the beneficiary financial institution or from competent authorities.
  6. Financial institutions shall not carry out wire transfers if they fail to comply with the conditions set out in this article.
  7. Ordering financial institutions shall keep all information about the originator and the beneficiary collected in accordance with the provisions of Article (24) of this Decision.