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Article (43) Filing the Actuary's Report to the Authority

IA-BOD-RES 2/2009 Effective from 31/1/2010
  1. The company shall send to the Authority a copy of the actuary's report on the result of the examination and assessment referred to in Articles (40) and (41) of the Regulation herein within (60) days as from lapse of the period when the examination has been conducted accompanied with the following:
    1. An account of the valid insurance policies concluded by the company inside or outside the State on date of the examination and should the performer of the activity happened to be a foreign insurance company such an account shall include only the policies concluded inside the State or apt be implemented therein.
    2. An acknowledgment by those responsible for managing the company that all particulars and information needed to arrive at authentic report have been put at the disposal of the actuary.
  2. On basis of a decision by the Director General after lapse of the six months period provided for in the Article herein, the company may be given an additional period to file the report provided; such period not to exceed three months.