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Article (53)
Fed Res Cab 10/2019In accordance with the legislation and agreements in force in the State or on the condition of reciprocity, the competent authorities shall:
- Execute requests received from any foreign entity and exchange information on the Crime at the appropriate speed with foreign counterparts, and obtain any other requested information on its behalf, even if such requests change in nature, whether spontaneously or upon request.
- Provide feedback to foreign counterparts on the use of the information obtained and the extent to which it was beneficial, if requested to do so.
- Obtain a declaration or undertaking from the foreign counterpart that international cooperation information will only be used for the intended purpose, unless prior approval has been obtained.
- Use international cooperation information obtained for the intended purpose, unless the foreign counterpart grants its approval for use for another purpose.
- Refuse to provide information in the event that it is not effectively protected by the foreign counterpart requesting international cooperation.