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Article 6: Shari’ah Compliance

C 1/2021 Effective from 26/2/2021
  1. 6.1 IFIs must incorporate and uphold Shari’ah principles in all aspects of their business comprised of reporting, business conduct, risk management and oversight functions.
  2. 6.2 IFIs’ staff dealing with Customers must have sufficient knowledge of the Shari’ah aspects of the Shari’ah compliant products and/or services being offered.
  3. 6.3 IFIs must provide customers with accurate information regarding their investment accounts including, but not limited to, the profit-sharing ratio between the IFIs and Customer and the profit distribution method.
  4. 6.4 IFIs must be compliant with the resolutions and fatwas issued by the IFI’s ISSC in relation to licensed activities and businesses of such institution, provided they do not contradict the HSA’s Resolutions.
  5. 6.5 Board and Senior Management of the IFIs must monitor the activities and integrate Shari’ah compliance into the IFI’s culture, processes, operation, and code of conduct.