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Article (7)

DFL 20/2018 Effective from 23/10/2018

1- The public prosecution may, sua sponte or upon the request of the Law Enforcement Authorities, should there be sufficient evidence of the occurrence of the Crime, request direct access to accounts, records and documents held by third parties and request access to the stored data in the computer system and information technology programs, memorandums, correspondences and packages, identify track and seize the Funds, monitor the accounts, issue travel bans and other procedures aiding in uncovering the Crime and its perpetrators without prejudice to the legislations applicable in the UAE.

2- The Law Enforcement Authorities may conduct undercover operations and adopt other investigative methods and initiate the controlled delivery operation aimed at detecting the Crime or its evidence or identifying the source and destination of the Funds, Proceeds or Instrumentalities or arresting the perpetrators without prejudice to the legislation applicable in the UAE.

3- Any person involved in an undercover operation or a controlled delivery operation by Law Enforcement Authorities shall not be held criminally responsible unless such person has instigated the perpetration of the Crime or exceeded the powers granted to him.

4- The Competent Authorities in the UAE shall keep comprehensive statistics on the reports of Suspicious Transactions, investigations and Crime-related judgments, seized, frozen or confiscated funds, international cooperation requests and any statistics related to the efficiency and sufficiency of Crime combating procedures.