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D. Implementation

Issued on 14/6/2024
  1. The SFWG members will communicate to the Reporting Entities their expectations in relation to the publication of the sustainability-related information relevant to their investors, markets and customers as well as to regulators. It is understood that the term “sustainability-related information” may encompass both ESG and climate related considerations. The timing, frequency, scope of application (including recognition of reporting at the group level), materiality and level of granularity required for the reported information will need to be considered carefully for the purpose of providing meaningful and adequate information. Unless otherwise determined by the relevant authority, branches or subsidiaries of foreign entities may implement these Principles or equivalent standards at the group level if applicable to avoid duplication of disclosures.
  2. To ensure that adequate progress is being made, the SFWG members would expect to track the respective Reporting Entities’ use and implementation of the applicable ESG disclosures frameworks, including through the use of relevant regulatory tools.
  3. In some instances, the SFWG may work in cooperation with the relevant stock exchanges who may have a role to play in promoting and supporting this process. In some instances, exchanges may wish to issue additional guidance in line with standards set by the relevant Regulator(s).