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  1. 3.94Institutions should establish an approved and documented governance framework for effective decision-making and proper management and control of risks arising from the use of Big Data Analytics and AI. The governance framework should:
    1. a.Establish a mechanism to ensure that Institutions are required to assess whether the Application is suitable for Big Data Analytics and AI implementation and define specific parameters and criteria to enable the Institution in its decision-making;
    2. b.Establish appropriate policies, procedures and controls to govern the design, development, monitoring, review and use of Big Data Analytics and AI Applications within the Institution;
    3. c.Ensure proper validation of Big Data Analytics and AI Applications prior to their launch, and thereafter implement on-going training, calibration and review to ensure the reliability, fairness, accuracy and relevance of the algorithms, models and Data used and the results;
    4. d.Maintain a transparent, enterprise-wide record of Big Data Analytics and AI Applications and their underlying mechanics;
    5. e.Establish processes to assess, monitor, report and mitigate risks associated with the Big Data Analytics and AI Application;
    6. f.Ensure that material decisions regarding Big Data Analytics and AI Applications and their underlying models and Data are documented and sufficiently justified; and
    7. g.Cover every stage of the model lifecycle including design, development, deployment, review, update and discontinuation.
  2. 3.95The Governing Body and Senior Management of the Institution should be accountable for the outcomes and decisions arising from the use of Big Data Analytics and AI Applications, including those Applications that make decisions on behalf of the Institution. They should:
    1. a.Ensure that all Staff working on or using Big Data Analytics and AI Applications are assigned appropriate accountability for their involvement with Big Data Analytics and AI Applications and understand what they should to do meet this accountability; and
    2. b.Ensure that technical specialists with appropriate technology skillsets (e.g. Big Data analysts, Artificial Intelligence engineers and specialists) and Application specific skillsets (e.g. credit risk modelling specialists if the Application is a credit scoring model) form part of the team actively involved in developing and implementing Big Data Analytics and AI Applications.
  3. 3.96When Outsourcing to an Outsourcing Service Provider, Institutions should ensure that access to information is adequately controlled, monitored, reviewed, and audited by the Institution’s internal control functions, and regulators, or persons employed by them, including supervisory reviews by the respective Supervisory Authority.
  4. 3.97Big Data Analytics and AI Applications, including when the model is developed by an Outsourcing Service Provider, should be auditable and, accordingly, Institutions, where relevant and considering the type of application used, should maintain on-going and up-to-date information through:
    1. a.Establishing audit logs and maintaining traceability of decisions and outcomes of the Big Data Analytics and AI Application;
    2. b.Developing and maintaining design documentation (further guidance provided in Clause Institutions should maintain documentation outlining the design of the material Big Data Analytics and AI model including but not limited to, where applicable:);
    3. c.Maintaining records of the various versions of the model including its code (further guidance provided in Clause Institutions should establish a robust system for versioning and maintain record of each version of the material Big Data Analytics and AI model including but not limited to, where applicable:);
    4. d.Archiving original Datasets used to develop, re-train or calibrate models;
    5. e.Tracking outcomes and performance of the Big Data Analytics and AI Application; and
    6. f.Retaining above information for a minimum period of five (5) years, or as otherwise prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.