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Article (29)

DFL 20/2018 Effective from 23/10/2018
  1. If any foreigner is convicted of a money laundering crime or any felonies mentioned in this Decree-Law, and is given a sanction restricting his freedom, he must be deported from the UAE
  2. Without prejudice to Clause (1) of this article, if any foreign person is convicted for other criminal offences provided hereunder this Decree-Law, and is given a sentence restricting his freedom, the court may decide to deport him from the UAE or order him to be deported instead of Imposing a sanction restricting his freedom
  3. The criminal case shall not be subject to the statute of limitations for money laundering or financing terrorism or illegal organizations crimes. The sanctions shall not lapse with time or with the lapse of any related civil legal cases due to statute of limitations
  4. This Decree Law shall not prejudice the provisions of refereed Federal Law (7) of 2014
  5. The Financing of Illegal organizations is considered a crime if its purpose is to undermine the internal security of the State or its vital interests thereof and terrorism financing crime and the offense punishable in Article (28) of this Decree-Law are considered as crimes Intended to undermine the internal and external security of the State


This article has been amended by Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
Version 1(effective from 23/10/2018 to 13/09/2021)


1- If any foreigner is convicted of a Money Laundering Crime or any felony mentioned in this Decree Law, and is given a sanction restricting his freedom, he must be deported from the State.

2- Without prejudice to Clause(1) of this Article, if any foreign person is convicted for other offences provided hereunder this Decree Law, and is given a sentence restricting his freedom, the court may decide to deport him from the State or order him to be deported instead of imposing a sanction restricting his freedom.

3- The criminal case shall not be subject to the statute of limitations for Money Laundering or Financing of Terrorism or Financing Illegal Organisations Crimes. The sanctions shall not lapse with time or with the lapse of any related civil legal cases due to statute of limitations.

4- This Decree Law shall not prejudice the provisions of refereed Federal Law no. (7) of 2014.

5- The Financing of Illegal Organisations is considered a Crime if its purpose is to undermine the internal security of the State or its vital interests thereof and Financing of Terrorism Crimes are considered as crimes intended to undermine the internal and external security of the State.