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Article (7): Fit and Proper Criteria

C 4/2024 Effective from 31/10/2024
The criteria for the assessment of fitness and propriety and suitability takes consideration of all relevant information, whether obtained within the State or another jurisdiction, and relies on establishing whether a Person, where applicable:
a.Possesses the necessary knowledge, skills, expertise and experience;
b.Has a record of acting honestly, ethically, with integrity and is of good repute;
c.Has a good record of financial conduct;
d.Is able to make his/her own decisions in a reasoned, objective and independent manner; and does not have any Conflict of Interest that could affect his/her conduct;
e.Has sufficient time to devote to fully performing his/her duties and responsibilities;
e.Contributes to the Collective Suitability of the Board or the collective competence of the Senior Management team, where applicable; and
f.Meets any additional requirements specified in applicable Regulations.