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Article (104) Governance of Licensed Financial Institutions

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) The Central Bank shall establish a general framework for governance of Licensed Financial Institutions, and shall issue rules and regulations relating to organization of works of their boards of directors and shall determine the conditions to be met by nominees for membership of their boards of directors, and the requirements and conditions for appointment of their senior staff; provided that Licensed Financial Institutions listed in the State’s financial markets shall adhere to the minimum requirements of corporate governance set by the concerned regulatory authority.

2) Licensed Financial Institutions must obtain Central Bank’s prior approval for appointment, nomination of any Person for membership of their boards of directors or renewal of his membership, and appointment or renewal of the employment contract of any of their senior staff.

3) The Board of Directors may, as may be required to safeguard public interest, reject any Person’s nomination, appointment, or renewal of his membership in the board of directors of a Licensed Financial Institution, and may also reject appointment or renewal of the employment contract of any of its senior staff.