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Article (97) Providing the Central Bank with Information and Reports

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) Licensed Financial Institutions shall:

  • a. Provide the Central Bank with reports, information, statements and other documents, which it determined and considered necessary for achieving its objectives and discharge its functions.
  • b. Appoint qualified employees and assign them the task of preparing the reports required by the Central Bank.
  • c. Take appropriate measures to ensure that the Person assigned, in accordance with the paragraph (b) of this item, obtains the information required for preparation of the reports.

2) Licensed Financial Institutions are prohibited from issuing instructions or directives, or agree with any manager, officer, an employee working for it, an agent representing it, or auditor of its accounts, to decline to provide the Central Bank with the requirements referred to in item (1) of this article.

3) The Central Bank shall establish rules and guidelines for periodical compilation of information from Licensed Financial Institutions.

4) The Central Bank shall determine the nature, forms and frequency of submission of information. Licensed Financial Institutions shall provide such information in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Bank in this regard.

5) The provisions of this article shall apply to branches of foreign Licensed Financial Institutions operating in the State.

6) The Board of Directors shall issue regulations, rules, standards, and instructions regarding provision of the requirements referred to in this article, and may take all the measures and actions against the concerned institution or any of its employees referred to in paragraph (b) of item (1) of this article.