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Article (116) Deficiency of Financial Position

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) The Board of Directors shall establish a resolution framework for deposit-taking Licensed Financial Institutions in order to minimize the effect that a deficiency in their financial position may have on the financial system in the State. This includes the effects related to a deficiency in the financial position of companies owned by those Licensed Financial Institutions or their subsidiaries.

2) The resolution framework shall include a set of triggers, both prudential as well as qualitative, which signal material risks that would result in the deficiency of the financial position of the institutions referred to in item (1) of this article. In order to achieve this, the Central Bank shall, at its own discretion, decide any of the following measures and actions for the protection of the concerned institution and its depositors:

  • a. Impose a minimum ratio for liquidity of the concerned institution, commensurable with the risks associated with its activities.
  • b. Require the concerned institution to provide, as per terms and conditions set by the Board of Directors, additional financial resources for support of its paid-up capital.
  • c. Issue a decision to merge the concerned institution with another Licensed Financial Institution.
  • d. Permit any Financial Institution to acquire the concerned institution.
  • e. Form an interim committee to manage the concerned institution, and authorize such committee to take whatever actions it deems appropriate, as per conditions and controls determined by the Board of Directors, including the possibility of taking the decision to impose a moratorium on all or some of the activities of the concerned institution with immediate effect or within another timeframe as well as consequential actions.
  • f. Undertake, over a period specified by the Board of Directors, direct management of the concerned institution, and shall, in this case, substitute management of the concerned institution in exercising all powers, including financial and administrative powers; and the powers and authorities of its board of directors, and its general assembly shall immediately be frozen until expiry of the period of interim management.
  • g. Request competent authorities in the State to place the concerned institution under interim custody and seize its assets, property and shareholders rights.
  • h. Adopt a decision to request the competent court to pass a decision to liquidate the concerned institution, prepare a plan for liquidation or transfer of its assets and liabilities, as it deems appropriate, along with all related settlements and releases and implement or oversee implementation of the liquidation plan, or adopt a resolution decision, or request the competent court to declare bankruptcy, in accordance with established laws.
  • i. Where a decision to merge or liquidate of a Licensed Financial Institution incorporated in another jurisdiction and has a branch operating in the State, the same procedures applicable in the concerned jurisdiction of incorporation shall apply if they provide better protection for customers in the State, unless otherwise agreed with the concerned authority.
  • j. Any other measures or actions in accordance with a decision by the Board of Directors.

3) The Central Bank may coordinate with the relevant federal and local authorities before issuance of any decision by the Board of Directors, as per provisions of this article, if necessary. The Central Bank may request the competent judicial authorities to take protective and urgent measures and actions, which would ensure protection of property and interest of investors and depositors, or serve public interest.