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Article (117) Publication of Resolution or Liquidation Announcement

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) In case of resolution or liquidation of a Licensed Financial Institution, such an announcement shall be published in the Official Gazette, and in, at least, two local Arabic and English daily newspapers, and for a period not less than three (3) business days.

2) The announcement shall include the following:

  • a. A grace period, not be less than three (3) months, allowed to customers of the concerned Licensed Financial Institution to take necessary actions to protect their rights.
  • b. Details of the entity assigned for the resolution and its functions or the liquidator and his functions.

3 )If the resolution or liquidation occurred as a result of the Licensed Financial Institution being struck-off the Licensed Financial Institution Register, the Chairman of the Board of Director or his deputized representative shall specify, in the decision to strike- off name of the concerned institution, the date of closing down of the concerned institution, and the entity assigned for resolution or liquidation of any outstanding operations on such date.