Book traversal links for Article (2) Activities and Transactions of Financial Institutions and DNFBPs
Article (2) Activities and Transactions of Financial Institutions and DNFBPs
Fed Res Cab 10/2019The following shall be considered as Financial Activities and Operations:
1- Receipt of deposits and other payable funds by the public, including Shariah-compliant deposits.
2- Provision of private banking services.
3- Provision of credit facilities of all types.
4- Provision of Financing facilities of all types, including Shariah-complaint Financing facilities.
5- Provision of monetary intermediary services.
6- Financial transactions in securities, financing and financial leasing.
7- Provision of exchange and money transfer services.
8- Issuance and management of means of payment, guarantees or obligations.
9- Provision of stored values services, retail e-payments and digital cash services.
10- Provision of virtual banking services.
11- Trading in, investment, operation or management of funds, options and future financial contracts, exchange rate and interest rate operations, and other financial derivatives or negotiable instruments.
12- Participation in issuing securities and providing of financial services related to these issues
13- Management of funds and portfolios of all kinds
14- Custody of Funds
15- Preparing or marketing financial activities.
16- Direct insurance operations, reinsurance operations for the type and branches of personal insurance, and money making operations in insurance companies, insurance brokers and agents.
17- Any other financial activity or transaction specified by the Supervisory Authority.
The following are considered financial activities and transactions:
- Receiving deposits and other funds that can be paid by the public, including deposits in accordance with Islamic Sharia
- Providing private banking services
- Providing credit facilities of all types
- Providing credit facilities of all types, including credit facilities in accordance with Islamic Sharia
- Providing cash brokerage services
- Financial transactions in securities, finance and financial leasing
- Providing currency exchange and money transfer services
- Issuing and managing means of payment, guarantees or obligations
- Providing stored value services, electronic payments for retail and digital cash.
- Providing virtual banking services
- Trading, investing, operating or managing funds, option contracts, future contracts, exchange rate and interest rate transactions, other derivatives or negotiable financial instruments
- Participating in issuing securities and providing financial services related to these issues
- Managing funds and portfolios of all kinds
- Saving funds
- Preparing or marketing financial activities
- Insurance transactions, in accordance with Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 concerning the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and the Organisation of its Operations
- Any other activity or financial transaction determined by the Supervisory Authority