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Article (22) Meetings Quorum

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) Five (5) members of the Board of Directors including the Chairman of the Board of Directors, one of his Deputies, or the Governor, shall constitute quorum for any meeting.
2) Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members present. In case of a tie, the Chairman of the session shall have the casting vote.

This article has been amended by Decretal Federal Law No. (02) of 2021. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
Version 1(effective from 31/10/2018 to 08/03/2021)


1) Five (5) members of the Board of Directors including the Chairman of the Board of Directors, his deputy, or the Governor, shall constitute quorum for any meeting.

2) Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members present. In case of a tie, the Chairman of the session shall have the casting vote