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Article 3

IA-BOD-RES 30/2016
  1. The tariffs set out in Article (1) hereof shall include the following:

a) All coverages set out in the two policies as well as all administrative charges and expenses, and commissions.

b) The additional premium resulting from the charges of the ambulance and medical transport to hospitals.

  1. The insurance period shall be (13) months. The premium shall be collected for the insurance period fractions on a proportionate basis.
  2. In case that a company and an the insured agree on additional coverages, other than those in the policy issued under the Resolution No (25) of 2016, the agreed additional premium shall be paid. The company shall state such coverages in an understandable clear wording and in a different colour or by an addendum.
  3. The insurance company, agent, or broker shall not be entitled to impose or receive any amount or additional sum without a resolution for such from the Authority.
  4. The company shall abide by accurately and clearly including the insurance premium/ contribution value received from the insured in the insurance policy issued thereby and the motor vehicle insurance certificate.