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Article (7)

IA-BOD-RES 33/2019 Effective from 15/7/2019
  1. The Defendant Company shall process claims in accordance with the Law and applicable legislations and the provisions of the Insurance Policies.
  2. If the Complainant has objection to the processing of application, it may file a complaint in writing to the Authority through the electronic system and all relevant documents and details shall be attached, including for example:
    1. The name, address, post office box and phone number of the Complainant.
    2. The addresses of electronic service of the Complainant, its legal representative or attorney.
    3. The subject matter of and requests in the complaint.
    4. The supporting documents to the complaint.
    5. Any other documents related to the complaint.
  3. The Authority requests clarifications from the Defendant through the electronic system, which clarifications shall be furnished within five working days.