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Article (78) Scope of Activity

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

1) Licensed Financial Institutions that carry on all or part of their activities and businesses in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari`ah may carry on the Licensed Financial Activities mentioned in article (65) of this decretal law, whether for their account or for the account of or in partnership with third parties, provided such activities and businesses are Shari`ah-compliant. The Board of Directors shall issue regulations specifying the activities, conditions, rules, and operating standards for these institutions, in a manner commensurable with the nature of the license granted to them.

2) Licensed Financial Institutions mentioned in item (1) of this article shall, in respect of their Shari`ah-compliant businesses and activities initiated on behalf of their customers and not for their own account, be exempted from:

  • a. Provisions of item (1) of article (93) of this decretal law.
  • b. Provisions of item (2) of article (93) of this decretal law, insofar as such exemption does not contradict the provisions of local legislations applicable in the relevant emirate member of the Union.