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Eighth: Acceptance Letter to Join the Experimental Environment

IA-BOD-RES 41/2019 Effective from 15/9/2019

1. In case the applicant is accepted to join the experimental environment, an acceptance letter of shall be provided, including the following:

  1. Approving the entry of the innovative solution owner to the experimental environment and determining the test period.
  2. Summary of the innovative solution that shall be tested.
  3. List of the approved experimental environment tools.
  4. List of the means of customer protection in the evaluation phase.
  5. The Authority shall reserve the right to suspend the test and withdraw the acceptance letter, if the Authority become aware of a violation of the conditions and restrictions contained in the acceptance letter.
  6. Confirmation that the Innovative Solutions Owners can use the acceptance letter in their transactions with other financial services companies to verify that they have obtained a permission from the Authority enabling them to take the test within the experimental environment.
  7. The acceptance letter shall not be considered as a license to carry out the business of the subject matter of the innovative solution outside the experimental environment of FinTech. Joining the experimental environment may not be a pretext for evading any legal requirements under Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and the Organization of Insurance Operations as amended, as well as its executive and regulations, resolutions, regulations and instructions issued pursuant thereto.

2. In case of any comments on the application to join the experimental environment, the applicant may resubmit the application after fulfilling the comments of the Authority within (20) working days.
3. In case the applicant failure to fulfill the Authority's comments within the above specified period, the application shall be deemed cancelled. However, the applicant may submit a new application.

4. In case the application is not approved, the decision of the Authority shall be final.