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Principle 1

Issued on 14/6/2024
1-Reporting Entities should put in place adequate policies, procedures and systems allowing them to report on sustainability- related matters.
  1-1Systems: Reporting Entities should put in place the internal reporting systems for monitoring, and reporting on, material sustainability-related risks, and the processes to ensure that data gaps are addressed within their data governance framework.1
  1-2Internal communication: Reporting Entities should ensure timely reports of data, information and analysis to the board of directors and senior management to enable and underpin robust decision-making internally.
  1-3Reporting: Reporting Entities should provide timely reports of data and sustainability-related information to the public.


1 The details related to the application of this Principle 1 are also cross-referred to in the UAE SFWG’s “Principles for the effective management of climate-related financial risks”, in particular in Principle 5 on Monitoring and reporting of climate- related financial risks.