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  • Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Decision No. (30) of 2016 Concerning issuing Regulation for Motor Vehicle Insurance Tariffs

    IA-BOD-RES 30/2016 Effective from 1/1/2017


    This Decision has been amended by the Insurance Authority Board of Directors' Decision No. (41) of 2017 and the Insurance Authority Board of Directors' Resolution No. (17) of 2020 respectively. You are viewing the latest version. Please find the PDF of the first version on the table below.
    version 2 (consolidated as of 01/01/2018) 
    version 1 (effective from 01/01/2017) 


    The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Insurance Authority,

    Having reviewed the Federal Law No (6) of 2007 on the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and Organization of Insurance Operations, as amended.

    Resolution No. (2) of 2009 of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors Concerning Issuing the Executive Regulations of the Federal Law No (6) of 2007;

    The Federal Law No (21) of 1995 concerning Traffic, as amended, and its Executive Regulations;

    Resolution No (3) of 2010 of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors concerning the Code of Conduct and Ethics to be Observed by Insurance Companies Operating in the UAE.

    Resolution No (25) of 2016 of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors Concerning Issuing Regulation of the Unified Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies.

    Based upon the approval of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors and the proposal of the Director General of the Insurance Authority;

    Has resolved as follows:


    • Article 1

      The tariffs set out in Table (1) attached hereto shall be applied to Third Party Liability Motor Insurance Policy. The tariffs set out in Table (2) attached hereto shall be applied to the Motor Insurance Policy Against Loss and damage and Third Party Liability jointly. The forms hereto attached shall be considered as an integral part of these Regulations.

    • Article 2

      (1) The insurance companies shall abide by applying the tariffs, as set out in Article (1) hereof to all motor vehicle insurance policies to be issued as of the date of this Regulation comes into force

      (2) Insurance companies are free to compete by offering tariffs within the limits set forth in tables (1) and (2) attached to the Regulations herein. If the company decides to compete in offering tariffs, each company shall be fully and directly liable for the soundness of its decision from the technical and actuarial aspects pursuant to the Insurance Authority Board of Directors Resolution No. (11) of 2016 Concerning the Revision of the Pricing Policy Applied by a Company in the Classes of Property and Liability Insurance and the underwriting policy of the actuary in a way that reflects its previous experience with its customers and does not endanger its financial position or lead to the loss of the insured rights.

      (3) The Company may grant a reduction to the insurance applicant (Individual) with claim-free record according to the following percentages:

      1. a) 10% of the minimum premium to the owner of the vehicle that did not cause an accident leading to a claim during the previous insurance year.
      2. b) 15% of the minimum premium to the owner of the vehicle that did not cause an accident leading to a claim during the previous two years.
      3. c) 20% of the minimum premium to the owner of the vehicle that did not cause an accident leading to a claim during the previous three years.
      4. d) 10% of the minimum premium as "a loyalty reduction to the company's' customers". The reduction shall be granted to the owner of the vehicle at the time of renewing his policy with the same insurance company, provided that the insurance is not transferred to another person.
      5. e) 50% discount of the minimum insurance premium shall be granted to the owner of the motor vehicle upon renewal or issuance of new policies to the following categories:
        1. Categories of workers in the medical sector.
        2. Members of the Armed Forces and the Police.
        3. Members of the Civil Defence.
        4. People of determination.
        5. Elderly people, who are above 60 years old.
        6. Insurance applicants (individuals) with an accident-free records.

      (4) The insurance company shall comply to immediately provide the customer who was insured with it with a free of charge certificate showing the insurance experience for the previous years electronically or in writing, where the company shall be liable for the data contained therein.

      (5) The Company may grant a reduction to the fleet of vehicles or the fleet of motorcycles by not more than 30% of the minimum premium. The fleet means: "five or more of vehicles or Motorcycles owned by one natural person or a legal person, including ministries, federal and local authorities, official government or semi- official government bodies, an independent body, a charity or nongovernmental organization, a company or individual institution, etc."

      (6) The company may grant a reduction for the vehicles running by gas or by electricity at the renewal time of not more than 25% of the insurance premium taking into account the accidents caused by the vehicle and led to claims. Nevertheless, when there is more than one reason for reduction, only the highest rate of reduction shall apply.

      (7). The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply to the vehicle insurance against Third Party Liability and the vehicle insurance against loss and damage.

      (8). The salon Taxi and rental vehicles: As an exception from the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, the Company may agree with the Owner on the insurance tariff of this type of vehicles which shouldn't exceed (6.5%) of the value of the vehicle, based on the loss ratio, the technical opinion and its previous experience.

      (9). The "tariff'' of the Third Party Liability insurance shall apply to the "classic and old vehicle", provided that the determination of the premium of the vehicle insurance against loss and damage shall be subject to the agreement between the owner of the vehicle and the insurance company. The classic and old vehicle means "an old vehicle of historical value not less than 30 years old, has artistic industrial value, or has a unique design that is different from its like.

      (10) The company has the right to apply one of the following two cases:.

      1. a) Return part of the premium of the valid insurance policies in proportion to the periods of application of the national sterilization system issued by the competent authorities.
      2. b) Reduction in the premium from the minimum premium, when renewing insurance policies in proportion to the periods of application of the national sterilization system issued by the competent authorities.

      (11) The company has the right to change the calculation of the premiums for new or renewed policies by making them related to the kilometers driven by the motor vehicle; in the event that the insured requests that, provided that the insurance premium does not exceed the maximum specified in the tariffs for the vehicle insurance rates determined by the authority

    • Article 3

      1. The tariffs set out in Article (1) hereof shall include the following:

      a) All coverages set out in the two policies as well as all administrative charges and expenses, and commissions.

      b) The additional premium resulting from the charges of the ambulance and medical transport to hospitals.

      1. The insurance period shall be (13) months. The premium shall be collected for the insurance period fractions on a proportionate basis.
      2. In case that a company and an the insured agree on additional coverages, other than those in the policy issued under the Resolution No (25) of 2016, the agreed additional premium shall be paid. The company shall state such coverages in an understandable clear wording and in a different colour or by an addendum.
      3. The insurance company, agent, or broker shall not be entitled to impose or receive any amount or additional sum without a resolution for such from the Authority.
      4. The company shall abide by accurately and clearly including the insurance premium/ contribution value received from the insured in the insurance policy issued thereby and the motor vehicle insurance certificate.
    • Article 4

      The Director General shall issue the required decisions for implementing the provisions hereof.

    • Article 5

      All authorities, respectively and within their competences, shall implement the provisions hereof.

    • Article 6

      1. The application of the Circular No 28/7/AV of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, dated 24/ 06/ 1996, shall be cancelled.
      2. Each provision that contradicts the provisions hereof shall be cancelled.
    • Article 7

      This Regulation shall come into force as of 01/ 01/ 2017 and shall be published in the Official Gazette.


      - Table 1. Tariffs of Third Party Liability Insurance Policy.

      - Table 2: Tariffs of Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy Against Loss and Damage and Third Party Liability.

    • Table (1)

      Tariffs of Third Party Liability Insurance Policy

      Type of vehicleMinimum
      (Insurance Period 13 months)
      (Insurance Period 13 months)
      Salon - Private4 cylinders7501.300
       6 cylinders8501.400
       8 cylinders9501.600
       > 8 cylinders1.3002.100

      Salon- commercial

      4 cylinders7501.350
       6 cylinders8501.500
       8 cylinders9501.600
       > 8 cylinders1.3002.250
      Four-wheel drive- private4 cylinders1.0001.750
       6 cylinders1.0501.900
       8 cylinders1.1001.950
       > 8 cylinders1.2002.150
      Four-wheel drive- commercial4 cylinders1.0001.750
       6 cylinders1.0501.900


      8 cylinders1.1502.100
       > 8 cylinders1.3502.450
      Pickup & TruckUp to 1 ton1.0001.750
       Up to 2 tons1.0001.800
       Up to 3 tons1.1502.100
       More than 3 tons1.3002.300
      Trailer, water & fuel tankerTrailer1.2002.150
       Water tanker up to 2000 gallons1.4502.250
       Water tanker more than 2000 gallons up to 5000 gallons1.4002.500


      Water tanker trailer1.5002.500
       Fuel tanker2.0003.300
      BusesUp to 14 passengers1.1001.900


      Up to 26 passengers1.8003.250
       Up to 56 passengers2.1503.850
      EquipmentLight equipment- dumper & agriculture1.0002.500
       Light equipment/ forklift- private1.3002.500
       Light equipment/ forklift- commercial1.3002.500


      Heavy vehicle- private1.6003.000
       Heavy vehicle- commercial1.6003.000
      motorcycleUp to 200 cc5501.150


      Above 200 cc6001.150

      The insurance company, the insurance agent or the broker may not impose or collect any additional payment or allowance except by a decision issued by the Insurance Authority

    • Table(2)

      Tariffs of Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy Against Loss and Damage and Third Party Liability

       Rate (insurance period 13 month)DriverPassenger
      No.Type of vehicleMinimum PremiumMaximum(AED)  (AED)



      Four-wheel drive


      Private and commercial trucks


      A- pickup and van up to 3 tons (Light)


      B- heavy, more than 3 tons




      A- up to 15 seats (private)


      B-up to 15 seats (commercial)


      C- up to 26 seats (private)


      D- up to 26 seats (commercial)


      E- up to 56 seats (private)


      F -Up to 56 seats (commercial)





      Up to 200 CC: 800

      More than 200 CC: 850 


      The insurance company, the insurance agent or the broker may not impose or collect any additional payment or allowance except by a decision issued by the Insurance Authority

      Payment of the insurance premium for (the passenger) shall apply only to individuals who work for the insured.