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Article (80) Report of the Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee

Fed Law 14/2018

1) The Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee shall prepare an annual report to be presented to the general assembly of the Licensed Financial Institution, which carries on all or part of its activities and businesses in accordance with Islamic Shari`ah. The report shall take the form specified by the Higher Shari`ah Authority, and shall indicate the extent of compliance of management of the concerned institution, with the provisions of Islamic Shari`ah, in all its activities, businesses, offered products, contracts entered into, and used documentation. The said report shall include the following:

   a. A statement on the extent of independence of the Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee in discharge of its functions.

   b. A statement on compliance of policies, accounting standards, financial products and services, operations and activities in general, together with the memorandum, articles of association, and financial statements of the relevant institution, with the provisions of Islamic Shari`ah during the ending financial year.

   c. A statement on the compliance of distribution of profits, bearing of losses, costs, and expenses among the shareholders and investment account holders, with the fatwas and opinions of the Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee.

   d. A statement on any other breaches to Shari`ah provisions and the controls established by the Higher Shari`ah Authority.

2) The Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee shall provide the Higher Shari`ah Authority with copy of its report, no later than two (2) months from end of the financial year, in order for the Authority to express its remarks prior to the meeting of the general assembly of the concerned institution