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Article (82) Contravention of Islamic Shari`ah Provisions

Fed Law 14/2018 Issued on 1/10/2018

Where it is established that a financial institution, which carries on all or part of its businesses and activities in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari`ah, has conducted businesses that are not compliant with such provisions, as per fatwas and opinions of the Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee, and the fatwas and opinions of the Higher Shari`ah Authority, the Central Bank shall inform the concerned institution accordingly, after consulting with the Higher Shari`ah Authority, and shall ask the institution to reconcile its position, under the supervision of the Internal Shari`ah Supervision Committee, within thirty (30) working days from date of notification. The Central Bank shall take the appropriate corrective measures and corrective actions in case the concerned institution’s inability to reconcile its position.